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FIXED: Deleaker was sometimes unable to resolve stack entries generated by .NET modules.
ADDED: Support for Qt Creator 6.
FIXED: Deleaker now correctly identifies a leak of the HBITMAP even when GetIconInfo, GetIconInfoExW, or GetIconInfoExA sets ICONINFO::hbmColor to zero, indicating it is null.
FIXED: Improved the opening of Visual Studio asynchronously to prevent UI freezing in Deleaker Standalone.
FIXED: Fixed an issue where if Deleaker Standalone opened Visual Studio to show source code, Visual Studio was closed when Deleaker Standalone exited.
FIXED: Fixed an issue where "Show Source Code" in the context menu of the call stack didn't work.
FIXED: The installer attempted to register DeleakerSDK64.dll (a 64-bit module) on 32-bit Windows and displayed an error. However, DeleakerSDK64.dll shouldn't be registered on 32-bit Windows, so no error is shown now.
ADDED: If VSIXInstaller.exe (in silent mode) fails to install Deleaker on Visual Studio 2017, the installer now offers to install it manually.
FIXED: When a 64-bit application was being debugged by Visual Studio with Deleaker, sometimes a message about a first-chance exception could be seen. Depending on Visual Studio settings, Visual Studio might stop execution, but now such exceptions are handled by Deleaker and hidden from the user.
ADDED: New Visual Studio "15" is supported.
FIXED: If a column that was used to sort allocations was going to be hidden, then the sort mark was shown on the next column, but actually, allocations were not resorted. Now allocations are being resorted using the next column.
FIXED: In Visual Studio, Deleaker asked for allocation types by mistake when the developer continued execution after a breakpoint.
ADDED: A user can select leak types that will be monitored by Deleaker.
ADDED: A user can add a function to "know leaks" from a stack entry's context menu.
ADDED: Deleaker immediately updates the allocation list after adding a function to "know leaks". Previous versions required taking a snapshot again.
ADDED: New Client API function: DeleakerClientApi_IgnoreLeaks(). Just add DeleakerClientApi.h and DeleakerClientApi.cpp from the Deleaker installation directory\DeleakerClientApi to your project and call DeleakerClientApiIgnoreLeaks(TRUE) to disable leak monitoring for the current thread, and call DeleakerClientApiIgnoreLeaks(FALSE) to enable it. You can also use the helper class DeleakerClientApi::CIgnoreLeaks to automatically disable/enable leak monitoring:#include "DeleakerClientApi.h"...{ DeleakerClientApi::CIgnoreLeaks disableleaks; // Do allocations in this block, Deleaker will ignore them}
ADDED: A Client API: Now it is possible to make Deleaker take a snapshot directly from the application code. Just call the function DeleakerClientApi_TakeSnapshot() from DeleakerClientApi.h (available in Deleaker installation directory\DeleakerClientApi):#include "DeleakerClientApi.h"...DeleakerClientApi_TakeSnapshot(L"Snapshot #1");... do something ...DeleakerClientApi_TakeSnapshot(L"Snapshot #2");
FIXED: Deleaker didn't hide allocations made by a module even if its name was included in Options - Exceptions - Excluded Modules - Excluded Names.
ADDED: Now Deleaker is able to extract function name from the symbol name to make it possible to hide leaks if the function name is not provided.